Board of Trustees

Regular Monthly Meeting Monday January 13, 2025 6:00pm



Call to Order

Loretta called the meeting to order @ 6:00. Board members in attendance: Loretta Sutherland, Floyd Barker, Ruth Gerbig, Alicia Burnell, Laura Glunt, and Barb Hybarger. Kim Riley, Director, and Harry Mohler, Architect, were also present. Board member Kathy Bray was absent.


Call for Quorum

Quorum was met.


Unfinished Business

  1. Bond issue – (Harry)
    1. Harry provided a few mock up images of the additional storage that extends on the west side of the building (gable or hip). No need to decide as of yet.
    2. Discussed materials we could use for the roof: copper which lasts 100 years, metal which lasts 50 years, and shingles which could potentially last 20 years.
    3. Board looked over the proposed timetable for 2025.


  1. Board by-laws approval
    1. Motion to approve the by-laws was made by Ruth Gerbig and seconded by Barb Hybarger.


Reading and Approval of Minutes

Minutes for the December meeting stand approved as read.


Reading and Approval of Financial Report  

Receipts: $115,323.53   Vouchers: $83,743.59


Approval of Bills    

Motion was made by Ruth Gerbig and seconded by Alicia Burnell to approve the Financial Report. Motion passed.


Floyd Barker made a motion and Ruth Gerbig seconded to transfer $44,653.11 operating fund to rainy day. Motion passed.


Report of the Director

  1. Programming updates – Programing report will be attached.
    1. Kendra Truesdale did start on January 2nd, 2025.
    2. Winter reading program is going on. Currently, there are 34 people registered.
      1. Adults – 17
      2. Babies to Pre-K – 7
  • Grades 4-12 – 1
  1. Grades K-3 – 9
  2. Attended meetings – Town Council (1); No Continuing Ed; Hamilton County Directors Meeting (1); Met with Baker Tilly over Teams; Met with ENA (internet company).
  3. Acquisitions – Year End Numbers Items Added: 2,836; Physical Items Circulated: 28,753; Electronic Items: 13,848; New Cards Issued: 236; Website Hits: 20,238
  4. Other – New payroll system which includes direct deposit – $3,988 annual gross square sales 109 transactions; 132 customers. Still waiting on a few people to provide information for their direct deposit..


          a.  Two thank you cards from Kim Riley and Brenda Garrod.


New Business

  1. Election of officers:  President: Loretta Sutherland

Vice President: Ruth Gerbig

Secretary: Alicia Burnell

Treasurer: Laura Glunt


Floyd Barker motioned for the approval of the proposed slate of officers. Barb Hybarger seconded. Motion passed.


  1. Selection of newspaper for 2025 (Hamilton County Reporter)

Ruth Gerbig motioned for the approval of using the Hamilton County Reporter for 2025. Laura Glunt seconded. Motion passed.


Public Input/Adjournment:

We adjourned @ 6:46 PM


Next board meeting – Monday February 10, 2025 at 6pm