Residents of Adams Township in Hamilton County may obtain a Sheridan Public Library card at the front desk located at the library. Additional cards for non-residents are also available.
SPL is part of the Evergreen Indiana Library Consortium. We share resources with over 130 libraries across the state. Cardholders from any Evergreen Indiana library are eligible to checkout materials at every Evergreen library, including ours!
To obtain any of the cards mentioned below, patrons 18+ will need to present a current photo ID and proof of residency.
Children ages 5- 17 are eligible for library cards and must have a parent/guardian present ID and proof of address.
The Sheridan Public Library card will allow patrons to place holds on materials and have them delivered to SPL from any Evergreen Indiana Library. The Evergreen App is available to download that will allow patrons to manage account. Card must be presented to check out materials.
Late Fees: patrons will be charged a fee of $0.25/day for overdue items.
Resident Card: Full Consortium Access; Evergreen Indiana, digital library including Libby and Hoopla, all Hamilton County libraries
Issued free of charge to individuals living or paying for property taxes within Adams Township (Green)
Non-Resident Fee Card: Full Consortium Access; Evergreen Indiana, digital library including Libby and Hoopla
Any family or individual that lives in an non-served district that is not Adam Township may purchase a library card for $75.00. This card is good for one year from the date it is issued.(Green)
Student/Teacher Card: Local SPL Access Only
Issued free of charge for any Marion Township student or teacher who lives outside of Adams Township but is enrolled or teaches in the Sheridan Community School Corporation. This card will give patron access to materials available at SPL.(Blue)
Reciprocal Borrowing Card: Local SPL Access Only
If you are a patron of a participating library, you can show your home library card, in person, at SPL and receive a borrower’s card with reciprocal borrowing privileges. This card will give patron access to materials available at SPL and is free of charge. (Blue)
Public Library Access Card (PLAC):
Any Indiana resident who has a valid library card in good standing with their home library may purchase a PLAC card for $70.00. This card is good for one year and may be used at any Public Library across the state. This card does not have the privileges of full access to the Evergreen Consortium.
Renewing a Library Card:
SPL Evergreen library cards expire every (2) years from date issued/renewed. In order to renew your account, patrons are required to produce an accepted form of photo ID and an accepted proof of residency document. This is an opportunity for the library to make sure that your contact information and residency status is correct. Child accounts can be renewed by the responsible party listed on the account. If the responsible party has changed residency, an updated renewal will need to be completed with the account.
At the time of renewal for Non-resident and PLAC cards, annual fees are due. The price associated with these cards is subject to change on a yearly basis.
Replacement Cards:
If a card has been lost, please visit the front desk to request a replacement card. The fee for the card is $2.oo