Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6:03 by Lorretta Sutherland. Other board members present were Jill Bishop, DeeDee Feeney, Matt Lensiegne, Kathy Bray, and Laura Glunt. Also in attendance was Kim Riley and ACTS member Cassidy.
Call for Quorum. A quorum was achieved, with attendance as noted above.
Reading and Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the March 10, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting were reviewed and approved as written.
Reading and of the Financial Report. Matt reported receipts of $18,395.74 expenditures of $24433.40 the previous report.
Approval of the Bills. After review, Jill moved, and Cathy seconded a motion to approve the financial report and the approval of the bills. The motion passed.
Interim Director’s Report.
- Maintenance Issues-none.
- Programming
- All toys sanitized.
- Quit winter program early.
- Summer reading program will be online this year. $500 for the year to do an online yearly reading program. This will log books and keep track of what is read and we can offer prizes through this.
Susan Peterson will reach out to Olivia our other ACT member.
Committee Reports. None presented for review
Communications. Laura Glunt suggested ways to get the word out to the public about events and resources at the Library. There are a number of options that we can use to market the library through email. Robly is one option. Constant Contact is another option. Mass text messaging is another option.
Unfinished Business.
- Discussed attending a bond informational webinar May 19. It will be recorded.
- Amount of money that Library director can use without approval-we did not come up with a number tonight. Is there a way to approve an amount with a email or zoom meeting?
- Movie licensing is on hold
- Audio visual is on hold.
- We will interview Ellen Pitcher after the quarantine.
- We will have future candidates to put their salary requirement on their cover letter.
New Business.
- Reopening of library will take place in steps as discussed. These steps will be dependent on the Governor’s orders and that status of the crisis at the time.
- Kim looked into Hoopla for our Library. Discussed because we are not spending our book budget, we could spend it on Hoopla but it is not compatible with our software. Discussed changing to Evergreen. This would require every item to be re-barcoded. We would use Evergreen software. This would require new ID cards for everyone.
What is the cost of getting up and running with Evergreen? Kim will check into this and get back with us.
Old Business. None presented for review
Public Input. No public input presented
Adjournment. adjourned the meeting at 7:12. By Lorretta Sutherland
Next Board Meeting: Monday, May 11, 2020 at 6:00