Board of Trustees
Regular Monthly Meeting Monday February 10, 2025 6:00pm
Call to Order
Loretta called the meeting to order @ 6:00 PM. Board members in attendance: Loretta Sutherland, Floyd Barker, Ruth Gerbig, Alicia Burnell, Laura Glunt, and Barb Hybarger. Kim Riley, Director, and Harry Mohler, Architect, were also present. Board member Kathy Bray was absent.
Call for Quorum
Quorum was met.
Unfinished Business
- Bond issue – (Harry)
- Tariffs have caused a slow down in the cost estimates. Spoke to a couple of contractors but they are in a similar position as us. Looking at cost increase projections. Look in spring for bonds rather than late summer. We could also do some bidding—giving contractors 45 instead of 30 days. Somewhere between May 15th-June 1st, have documents done and bid opening.
- Decision was made to move the design development schedule up to March 1st.
- Harry showed survey drawings of the drainage systems and space that the library has. Discussions of a dry creek or some sort of feature could be placed on the west side of the property (California and 1st). Aerial pictures of another library’s story trail gave some inspiration of an S-shaped trail.
- Need to combine the two plats, but the library’s building is under the building corporation and the land is under the library. Discussions will need to be held with Jennifer Miller.
- Carpet/Painting – (Harry)
- Harry brought up the point of either closing or limiting access to parts of the library when we decide to start carpeting/painting due to the protection of the collection and/or the disruption it might cause.
- Major talking point was the community room and how long it is out due to the updates. We need to make sure those who plan on using it know.
Reading and Approval of Minutes
Board of Trustees Minutes stand approved as read.
Board of Finance Minutes stand approved as read.
Reading and Approval of Financial Report
Receipts: $35,502.96 Vouchers: $117,784.25
Approval of Bills
Motion was made by Ruth Gerbig and seconded by Alicia Burnell to approve the Financial Report. Motion passed.
Report of the Director
- Programming updates:
- Reading program is still going on until the end of February which is measuring books not minutes.
- Attended meetings:
- Town Council: 0
- Continuing Ed:1
- Met with ENA: 1
- Acquisitions:
- Total Items Added: 163
- Physical Items Circulated: 2,3061
- Electronic Items: 1,523
- New Cards: 18
- Other:
- Used the new payroll system with one minor setback that was settled over the weekend.
- Hamilton County Council is considering to pay for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program. Kim and a few others are planning to meet on the March 5th to discuss the situation.
No Communications
New Business
- Internal Controls Policy review
- No changes. Motion made by Floyd Barker and seconded by Barb Hybarger to approve the Internal Controls Policy as read. Motion passed.
- Community Room Policy Review
- Extra spacing is needed to be removed between items 11 and 12. Item 13 needs to be changed from “taped” to “attached” with reference to the different ways one might attach items to the walls. Item 3.c. needs to be changed from “Singe” to “Single” due to a misspelling.
- Motion was made to amend the Community Room Policy by Ruth Gerbig and seconded by Barb Hybarger. Motion passed.
- Non-Resident Fee
- Motion was made to raising the fee from $70 to $75 by Ruth Gerbig and seconded by Floyd Barker. Motion passed.
Public Input/Adjournment:
No public input. Adjourned @ 7:05 PM.
Next board meeting – Monday March 10, 2025 at 6pm